
Hmmm... I am being guilty... about my diet.?

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I am a vegetarian but I still eat dairy products and eggs. Am I vegetarian for eating milk and eggs (unfertilized)?

Will it be okay if I just get a milk from the cows in my province (usual way of getting milk. No machine) and eggs (no injections. No chicken (even male) are harmed)




  1. The definition of a vegetarian is one who does not eat meat. It's vegans who eat no animal products of any kind.

    If your choice to be vegatarian is for ethical reasons, then using only cruelty free dairy and eggs would not violate that.

  2. You are still a vegetarian if you eat eggs and and consume milk.  Your just not a vegan.

    How could the males not be harmed?  What do they do with them...they sure don't keep them for pets.  Also chickens don't lay forever.  I am sure they don't send the to a chicken retirement home either....No matter what anyone says there are no cruelty free eggs.  You can tell yourself that there are to make yourself feel better but it's just not true.

    They kill the mails because there is no use for them.  If they kept them no one would buy them because egg chickens and meat chickens are not the same.  Then they slaughter the chickens after 11 months.  If they tell you otherwise they are lying.

  3. When you attempt to do the right thing with respect to what you eat, then you should have no guilt. You have done so much more than so amny others. If you wish to include dairy in your diet and support your local and "green"/ ethical markets, feel good about your choices. You are doing the right thing.

  4. Yes, you are a vegetarian, specifically a lacto-ovo vegetarian.  Vegans abstain from eating or using all animal products, such as eggs, dairy, meat, fur, leather, silk, wool, honey, etc.

    I wouldn't continue to use dairy for ethical reasons.  For a cow to produce milk, she has to become pregnant, so she's forcefully inseminated, or raped, since cows don't choose to reproduce at the rate which the milk industry requires.  Hours after birth, her calf is taken from her - males end up as veal, females with the same fate as their mother.  Imagine the emotional pain of having your baby taken from you hours after birth, or being separated from your mother, just so humans can consume the milk meant for your baby or you.  These continual, constant, pregnancies cause a huge amount of pain and physical weakness on the mother cow.  After she no longer produces enough milk to be profitable, she ends up killed for food.  

    You don't state whether the chickens are kept in battery cages, inside a windowless shed, or allowed to roam free with proper nesting boxes, which is extremely rare.  There is also no way to regulate the labeling of eggs, manufacturers can claim whatever they want.  Even if chickens are allowed outside access and proper nesting boxes, they end up killed for food, like the mother cows, once they no longer produce enough eggs to be profitable.  Chickens also eat their unfertilized eggs for the nutrients, so by taking their eggs, regardless of how well they're treated, we're stealing.  

    In conclusion, I don't believe it's at all ethical to eat dairy products or eggs.  A vegan diet is healthy for all stages of life, less expensive, and cruelty free.  It's a lot easier than you would think - and so much better for the animals.

  5. you are a ovo-lacto vegitarian that means that you will eat cheese and milk and things like that but you dont eat actual meat, its fine to only be a no meat type of vegitarian and even if it werent, why does it matter the only thing that matters is that you are comfertable with the choice that you have made to not eat meat i respect you for that

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