
Hmmm...trotting tips? with a bumby horse?

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hi im just learning to trot on without a lunge line. any tips? posting is hard with a bumby horse so any tips to post good with a bumby horse????




  1. Try to keep your seat nice and deep.  Even when you're trying to post, don't try to do too much.  Let your horse bounce for you, especially since you say it's a bouncy horse.  Try to keep your hands still at his neck and you can even push your nuckles into his neck at his mane to help keep yourself steady.  Keep your heels down and press your legs down long.  Since you're just learning, don't worry about anything except for keeping yourself in rhythm with the horse.  It's really hard when you first start riding.  It's most important just to keep the rhythm and keep your heels down.  Don't try to push yourself out of the saddle too much... let the horse do it for you...  just let yourself go up and then try to keep yourself in the saddle on the next beat.  Just keep trying.  You could also learn by watching people posting trot a lot... I learned really well that way.  Go to you tube and watch videos of people riding their horses and see what they do and what looks the best.

  2. Think as you ride about your weight going down into your heels. Let the horse throw you up and stay loose. It is really not that hard if you just relax.

  3. make sure ur on the right diagonal, u can check by making sure you're sitting when the horses outside leg is back, if its not then sit for 2 beats.

    Also focus on your position, straight back, heels down, shoulders back, chin up, hands still, low and together just above the horses neck and legs back and around the horses stomach. All that will help your balance so you ca ride more esily on a bumpy horse.

    Keep loose all the time to and relax, don't grip with your knees it will make it more bumpy, also try to move your hips forward as you sit so you sit more on your butt. In general you just need to get the rythm right. The same applies to sitting trot.

    Good luck and keep practising


  4. If you teach your horse to tuck its head, it will slow down and go into a nice trot.

  5. tooth

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