
Hmmmm? Could you? I dont think i could!!?

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Ok i know this is not the right section for this question but i want to get a point of view from mothers and wives.

Has anyone seen the show Big Love? If so...

*What is your view on Polygamy?

*Ok i know the whole compound side of it is weird and scary...but how the main family lives seems ok... I mean as long is everyone is in consent and there is no underage marriage...should they be left alone? Able to live there lives??

I'M NOT A Polygamist! ha ha I'm just curious as to what mothers and wives think? I mean could YOU share your husband?




  1. There's no way I could share my husband. It's all about me and our children I couldn't handle sharing him with another woman and his other children.  

  2. I don't think my husband and i have enough time for each other never mind more in this relationship!!! But well, each to his or her own lol!

  3. no way could I share him!  He is mine and mine alone! lol

    I do like the show though.  

    If they arent hurting anyone else, and everyone is in consent, then they should be able to do what they want.  So I dont have a problem with it, but it is  not for me.

  4. nope. like the first answerer said, he is mine. end of. if we broke up mutually and he went onto have another relationship and kids - fine, as long as he remembers his first born, our daughter.

    if he cheated on me.... well.... id chop his genitals off!

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