
Hmmmm...If you were?

by Guest61188  |  earlier

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To be a horse...which breed would your be?

I'd be a grade of those once in a lifetime greats that nobody knows what the heck I :P




  1. A Hackney

    not alot of people know about em and i think they are goeguse

    but also an australian stock horse. =D

  2. i would like to be one of thoes old  foundation qh sires

  3. Are you kidding me?  A Shetland of course!  Short, fat, and troublesome...

  4. lol

    probably one of the horses on fuglys blog.

    i'd be the comparison picture next to the ugly one

    now this is what an Egyptian Arabian should look like

  5. i would want to be a Sorraia. they are SOOOOO pretty their manes are awesome, they almost look like they have white highlights. you should look them up on the internet

  6. solid black horses are my fave but i were to pick i think i would look just like my palomino mare she is so so breath taking her mane is passed her neck and she has dapples all over her body and a white snip on her nose and she is fiesty! she is half querter horse and half mustang

  7. My sorrel foundation quarter horse...

    Older, set in my ways, red headed...but graying

    Not to mention short and 'stocky' and a bigger butt

  8. a paint or Australian Stock Horse :)

    Haha julianne and redial greta answers :P

  9. Arabian. Not that they are my favorite breed...I just love how free they seem to be :) with there tails sailing and there easy, effortless is just so pictueisque(sp?)lol

  10. i would probably be just like my horse "chances are" a grullo paint that gets grayer every day, a little bratty with a sense of humor.

  11. I think it would be awesome to be an Arabian - so beautiful and spirited - however, most of the idiots that would own me would prolly abuse me - due to lack of understanding!  They'd refer to me as the "idiot" - not much fun!

    A Thoroughbred would be cool - so fast, sleek and muscular!  However, I'd be on a track by age 2 and likely lame, or on a meat truck by the time I was 3 - Again not much fun!

    Maybe a Quarter Horse - Strong, Quick on my feet, and every horse persons sturdy mount! - however, I'd prolly be pushed to rope cattle - even tho my Coffin bone has rotated enough to fall through my foot - (Navicular) or Made to run barrels over and over to the point I know longer want to go through the gate because my back and hocks hurt - but I'm forced to run anyway!

    WOW guess in I'll stick to being  a human and just work on being a more understanding horse owner and try to educate those who aren't!

  12. thoroughbred! a pure black with no markings and blueeeee eyes <3 i'd be able ta jump very high n run rlyy fast :] the two best thingsss everrrrr. !

  13. I would be a clydesdale hauling budweiser

  14. I think I would also be a grade horse for the same reasons.

  15. Either a black and white paint or one of those thoroughbred that are amazing jumpers. Either way, I would want to be one that gets taken care of and lives a good life. Not one that just gets shuffled from one bad home to another...I think it is terrible how people do that to horses!

  16. I would want to be a thoroughbred. Not one of those claimers. But one of those Beautiful racehorses like Barbaro or Ruffian and I could run and have a beautiful blanket of roses on my back.

  17. saddlebred! but only because i own one... I guess im a little biased =P

  18. I'd want to be a Friesian or a Dutch Warmblood. :] I love how elegant they are.

  19. i would be a grey conemara who is gr8 at jumping maybe graded

  20. I would love to be a palamino paint! If you havn't seen one...OHHH...beautiful!

  21. pretty!...

  22. I would like to be a mustang or a clesdale i dont really know but i really like mustangs.Ohh but grade horses are so cool so grade horse or mustang.

  23. Our baby horses look similar. Mine has a little bit wider blaze but same layout and coloration.

    My preference would be an Andalusian or a Clydesdale. They are such majestic creatures they almost hypnotize.

    Realistically though I am a QH kinda girl. They are soo versatile and tough as nails! Just like them old cowboys!

  24. A few days ago I was going to ask this question but I must of got a bit distracted...

    I would be some sort of mix like a Quarter Morab or maybe a Mustang

  25. i think i would have to be an abulusa im not sure how to spell it but its the white one with black spots like a dolmation. or a black mustang.

  26. Appaloosa. Because the history of the Nez Perce people selective breeding. NOT the quarter out cross the real deal! The horse that was breed for it's qualities of stamina, endurance, speed,docile,  loyalties, heart, hardyness & athleticism.

  27. I would want to be whatever Mr. Ed was!

    I could see me saying "Hey Wiiiilburrrr, get me some more oats!"

  28. idk what type of horse id wanna be

    BUT i do know that i would want to be an amazing white beauty

    with long white hair


    and maybe throw in some black spots

    OR id be caramel colored

    with long hair

    and bangs over my eyes


  29. I would be a wild pony that lives on Chicnoteague, or Assatreague, West Virginia.
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