
Hmmmm what is HPTS ??

by  |  earlier

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Cant quite grasp the acronym...must have to do with Parelli..or Horsemanship or something LOL

So...what does it stand for ? ^.^





  2. It's a secret horsey club and you and you have to be invited or your out of the click. You have to be very special to be in it.

    You know how clicky horse people can be. Some things never change.

    I'm HPTS free and just fine with it. I haven't lost any sleep over it yet.

    I know there several great folks on her not in "The group". It doesn't make them any less of an asset to Q/A!

    Maybe those of us not in the group should start our own secret club.

    Or we could stay the same nice adults that we already are and not act like the children that get complained about all the time.

    I was so close to deleting this, just because the whole thing is really juvenile, but I'll let some one else do it.

  3. After requesting an answer and taking the time to ask the question did anyone answer your question?????  

  4. I dunno ^_^ I'd like to know myself...I think the H must stand for horse(s) and the T stands for Troll(s) I'm not exactly sure though, sorry! =]  

  5. well see the story went like this, i was answering questions one day, and I felt so bad, everyone HATED my answers, they said this and that.... basically calling me a dream crusher.

    As time went on I started to feel lonely, no friends, no life other then answering questions on yahoo, lost my job and just down in general. THEN one day i saw it. someone was postinging HPTS and they had tons of friends on their list and everyone loved them... so i started to do it too *heck i still dont know what it means but i got tons of friends now just like they do!*

  6. I'd tell ya but then I'd have to shoot ya and with the price of spit wads going up I can't afford the cost of more ammunition.

    BTW, it does mean good things though...

    Happy HPTS to all!

  7. It must be a super top secret code used by FBI agents in an attempt to befuddle and confuse the corrupt and equivocal suspects that disguise themselves as everyday yahoo answerer's.


  8. Your very observant..I've noticed it too.  

    I added it a couple of times cause the people that seem to use it are the ones that seem to have a lot of knowledge and I respect their answers..maybe it is a book about horses that they read to gain knowledge?

    Let me see..this is like name the horse!!

    How Parelli Teaches Showhorses

    Horse Persons Technical Synopsis

    Horse Planning Towards Summer

    Horse People Technical Shortcuts

    Happy Paint Technology Seminar

    How Pinto's Tolerate Shoes

    Ha Ha..I give up..must be like a cult or something.  Very interesting!!  I'll just add it to my source too!!  That will confuse them!!

    Good Question..wonder if we will ever find out?


    maybe an acronym for a disease like HYPP??

    still thinking!!

  9. not sure but if it has to do with Pat Parelli its got to cost about $560  

  10. I thought it sounded s**y so I started to put in on my answers so I could meet chicks.

  11. I dont' know. I just saw everyone else post it so I did the same. Doesn't it sound so cool though?

  12. It stands for Human Papillomavirus Type Seven.  It can also be written HPT VII.  It is highly contagious and is infecting members of the Y/A Horse community at an alarming rate.  SAVE YOURSELVES!!

  13. I think it's a virus - I got up one morning and there it was - filled my inbox and wrote itself in all my source boxes.

    It keeps me up at nights when i should really be going to sleep.

  14. So now adults on here are forming clubs...same sh*t different days.
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