
Hmmmmm...does this article show us how desperate Obama supporters are to smear Gov. Palin?

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They are running scared. I'm kinda' embarrassed for them!

(note: someone else posted this link a little earlier in order to answer a posted question. I thought the article is interesting enough to be featured in a question.)

Here's the article link:




  1. I'm not gonna read that...


    Just kidding

  2. Wow, after reading all the other posts, I feel like I'm the only one who went to the link and read it.  

    I was really surprised at what was there.  I didn't think people would stoop to that level.  At least it wasn't from the official candidate reps.

  3. Yes they are desperate they know hims electing her is the begging of the end for them and they arte stragight up scared....

  4. she is not ready for the top job and voters will have their say so in november. Her looks have nothing to do with it. That said, i too, would love to smear her--with chocolate syrup--but that doesn't mean i want her as my president.

  5. I like this one better

    This rumor is based on a huge amount of facts that don't add up to the story that Palin has been going by. She doesn't announce that she's pregnant until she's 6 1/2 months along, which stuns her whole staff as she does not appear pregnant at all that far along. Her 16 year old daughter is taken out of school and was gone for 5-8 months (exact length unconfirmed) with mono (which only lasts 3 months at most), and this is the kicker and the most important part of the story:

    On April 18th, Sarah Palin and her husband were in Texas where she was to deliver a speech at a Republican Governer's Convention. Her water broke at 4:00 AM on the night before the speech, but she decided to give the speech anyway. It only gets weirder. Instead of rushing to the hospital, she FLIES BACK TO ALASKA, an 8 hour flight. Then when she arrives in Anchorage, she drives 45 minutes away to Wasilla where she gave birth.

    This is bizarre. She knew that her baby had special needs, but decided to risk harm to her and her child... for what?! No mother I know of would put herself in that amount of risk.

    The best possible explanation is that she wasn't actually pregnant, and that it was her daughter's baby.

    The more this story gets out, the more questions will be asked and media reporters getting to the bottom of this story. If it picks up (like I believe that it will), and IF it is true, then this is absolutely DAMNING to the Republican party and their chances of winning the election.

  6. We in this country would judge somebody who smears another candidate as being inadequate for office , when used here it always backfires on the perpetrator and makes them look small and petty. Which of course they are. Sell youself on the strength of your convictions not on lies about your apponent! Thucydides 3500BC

  7. Palin who?? you mean APPALING .Less than 2400 people voted for her in Alaska as that diffinetely qualifies her for VP!!!!

    Poor Mccain , he is suffering from old age, it is hard to make the right judgement at that age.

    But he is a good man, just too old for all this.

  8. The last thing we need is the Cons telling people how they should think and feel- and what they should do. It will only cause more of a divide and that is what scares Liberals

    Anyone but McSame 08

  9. It is funny how they want to say they are for g*y rights, but then smear the person whom gives it to them. As far as g*y Marriage there was a ballot issue and the voters did not want to have g*y Marriage.  

  10. I am seeing an ugly pattern here.  Obama and his supporters REALLY fear strong, independent woman.  I hope the trend continues, surely it will backfire on them.

  11. Oh... The facts about the 18-month Governor of Alaska is enough. No one needs to "make stuff up."

    But, in all seriousness, she doesn't believe at all in g*y marriage.

  12. Her record speaks for itself, from using her powers as governor to affect court cases, to firing state employees for not helping her commit crimes. She is under investigation from her own state legislature.

  13. Maybe it's the same cons who wrote up the Obama smear emails but don't like Palin.  

  14. Ummm... No?

  15. i didnt even know it was possible to do that!

    elections will never be fair will they!

    just try to belief was comes fromt he horses mouth and hold them to it!

    if they dont do it right, chuck them!

  16. Smear tactics are standard political ploys.

    I'm from Florida.  You folks remember how helpful we were in 2000.

    Anyways a politician in Florida once ran ads telling voters that his opponent was a practicing homosapien and that he advocated premarital celibacy.  So few voters actually knew what those words meant that they just assumed they were bad things.

  17. you do notice that the article says, this is not "proof" that the obamadefense posted it.  just as the isp was fooled around with for Ms. Palin, so too was it fooled about with for obama's defense to LOOK THAT WAY.


  18. No one's quicker to scream "g*y", as the ultimate insult, than liberals. It stems from their inability to understand what it is to be conservative to begin with. To them it's not about believing in anything, it's just "the other side" and they naturally assume we hate the people who gravitate towards liberal circles as much as they hate those who gravitate towards conservative circles.  

  19. Liberal losers.....enough said!

  20. The obamanites will throw their own family to get this obamafake into office, they don't have a chance.

  21. No because as long as McCain has stood by Bush he isn't going to gain ground.  Getting himself a token white woman isn't going to help either.  

  22. very few people know who she is so both sides are scrambling to define her for us.

    Although I'd say this pick shows McCain's deperation more than anything else.  People who perceive themselves as in the lead don't make bold moves like this, this is a sign that McCain thought he couldn't win with a run of the mill republican.

  23. They are sh*tting their panties. Obama is old news.

  24. All lies, my gosh!

  25. Little green sleazeballs is a notorious hate site. I know without having to click that if they say something is true, that proves it's false. Thanks for playing.

  26. There's no need to smear Palin.  Her extremist views speak for themselves.

  27. Unfortunately for your theory, the story quoted from the Anchorage Daily News happens to be genuine.  Here's a link to the original news story:

    Disseminating a few little-known facts about a VP candidate is not a smear, no matter how much the Repugs and Little Green Slimeballs would like to pretend it is.  Too bad this will upset some of the evangelicals McCain would like to woo, huh?

  28. yes, they know they are doomed now.

    McCain/Palin all the way

  29. @UncleJoe---Oh, you poor dear, like most Obama supporters you TOTALLY miss the point.  Evangelicals know that Palin vetoed the ban on benefits for g*y couples.  Evangelicals also know that Palin is a solid believer in marriage being between 1 man and 1 woman.  The article is NOT (try to understand this now) intended to question whether Palin vetoed the ban on health benefits for g*y couple(as Palin stated, that would be against the Constitution since it would be discrimination.)  The point of the article is to PROVE (which it did) that Obama supporters (i.e.all indications point to those running Obama's "StoptheSmears" website) put up a website which is designed to look like a far right group attacking Palin for that veto.  The author of the article (step by step) TRACES the website to those in the Obama camp by using web addresses and URLs.  Did you even read the article, or are your reading comprehension skills a little bit lacking?

    In case the latter is true, let me try to simplify further.

    *Evangelicals know about Palin's veto on the ban (to provide benefit same s*x couples).  Most even agree with her that this would be discrimination, and therefore unconstitutional.

    *Evangelicals also know that Palin is against extending SPECIAL BENEFITS to same s*x couples, such as redefining marriage just because many are demanding that this be done.  

    No discriminaton, but no special favors---following me so far?

    *The author of the piece has shown that SOMEONE in the Obama camp (though it can't be proven it was an OFFICIAL campaign staff member) has attempted to present their web site as a right wing propaganda site in order to stir up dissention and controversy.  this was done by tracing web addresses and URLs to their original source.

    Also relevant is the fact that other articles attacking or misrepresenting McCain and his views, votes, etc. were traced to the EXACT SAME SOURCE.

    Now, I hope that was simple enough to understand and clears away a little of the brain fog you seem to be stricken with.

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