On Monday it is an anniversary of something so hard for me (I can't tell you what it is, sorry).
It's the first anniversary and I kno it's going to tear me apart.
I feel awful already and have a weekend of family events and don't kno how I'm going to get through with out breaking down, and I'm not the sort of person who can do this around people.
The only person who knows how I feel about this and who actually knows what it is about is my boyfriend, but he can't be with me on Monday. I work duriong the day and he works at night.
What do you do to take your mind away from things that you do not want to remember? Things that tore your heart into pieces and has taken me over a year to be able to go a day without thinking of it every day?
What can I do to make my self feel better?
And I don't think alcohol is the answer :( unfortunately lol.
I've had to come home early from a night out because I cannot think of anything else and I cannot keep myself from falling apart even in the company of others.
Sorry I jus needed to express myself a little where some people can sympathise, that don't kno me, that can offer me some help.
Thanks for reading :)