
Ho could I approach my best friend asking him if he's g*y/bi or just curious?

by Guest32169  |  earlier

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ok so I'm 15 years old. And I think my best friend is g*y/bi or just curious. I would have no problem at all if he is, because I'm a little curious myself . It all started when I was talking to my one friend about him a couple months back , nothing mean, and somehow we got onto the topic of him being g*y. She claimed that he told her he's into guys and girls. And it didn't hit me until today that he might like guys to , or just curious. I started thinking about it, and he actually might like guys to . Some reasons : 1. He hugs the guys exactly like he hugs the girls 2. Grabs guys butts 3. Shaves all hair on his body except his head 4. Sometimes dresses in girls dresses willingly 5. Likes to lay on me ( I don't really mind though) and alot more .

I have never told anyone that I'm into guys . But I'm into girls too. I actually like girls more. But I still having feelings for guys particularly my best friend. I'm in love with me ex girlfriend still . But I still have feelings for him . I think I'm just young and don't know what I want yet. But I'd have no problem experimenting with a guy. I'd just want to get it over with so I know . I am really young still and don't know what my orientation is . I love girls , but at the same time I love guys to. I think my best friend is the same exact way.

Now what can I say to him or ask what gender he's in to. If he admits to me he has feeling for guys so will I . And mabey we'll end up experiment on eachother . But idk I need some help ! What should I do ?!




  1. There is no need to label yourself at your age, little brother.

    The next time he hugs you put your lips up next to his ear and whisper, "I feel so good when I'm in your arms." Then pull back enough to engage him in eye contact. With your arms still around him, say, "I would love it if you would spend the night at my house this weekend. Tell me you wanna come."


    I've pulled off much bolder approaches than this without a hitch. If you feel an erection coming on while your in his arms, don't be embarrassed or try to hide it. Chances are it will work in your favor.

    And don't worry about your sexual orientation just yet. You both have your whole life to figure that out. Just focus on each other and how you feel when you're together.

    Hope this helped.

    Best of luck, little brother.

  2. Cutting straight to the point is usually the best way, be direct so it's not confusing.  Sit him down, ask him, let him know how you feel and go from there.  A lot has to do with your age.  Your still going through puberty and it's normal to be unsure.  Give it some time bro.

  3. maybe a conversation. not so directing.. you have to speak slowly and maybe to give him some signs.. Iam not sure.. what to tell you.. but there some signs.. but be sure all these words are true from that person.. I am g*y and I like guys too.. lol  

  4. I know your young and all but do you need a map? Wears dresses? LIKES TO LAY ON YOU???????


    And totally into you! Next time he hugs you, grab his butt back and don't break the hug. You'll get your answer. And maybe something else.

  5. Well, he is definetly g*y or Bi. Just ask him flat out, just start a conversation and be like, don't get offended of anything, PLEASE don't, but Are you g*y or bi or are you just curious? And if he says yes, tell him you might be too and then go from there. Just asking him flat out would be the easiest thing to do! (:

    Good Luck (:

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