
Ho w long does it take a letter from USA to get to Germany (bautzen)?

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Ho w long does it take a letter from USA to get to Germany (bautzen)?




  1. USPS usually takes some four working days, depending on where you live in the US, and where the recipient in Germany lives. Letter transport within Germany usually takes no longer than two working days, with the exception of some islands (Helgoland, Norderney, Sylt) and high mountains (Zugspitze). Delivery might be delayed there by heavy weather or strong tourist influx, which eventually is the same: a natural catastrophe.

    But be assured, your mail will not be transported by rowing boat. We've gut trucks and planes here.

  2. usually about a week, sometimes less

  3. they say up to 7 days but it usually gets there less than 4 days for sure

  4. it used 2 take about 16 days...maybe its quicker now...i hope

  5. 5-7 business days.

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