
Ho w to propese girl?

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Ho w to propese girl?




  1. Sweet words and lots of flowers.

  2. Are you Vietnamese or a foreigner living in the country?

  3. are you or is she vietnamese, if so here is a link the first few sentences are just background.  The information you need starts with "Even today when young people can choose their partners...."

    anyways it says permission must be obtained by both sides of families, gifts for the bride and family..... anyways is this what you mean?....If not you could just take her somewhere really romantic (I'm not sure what you have to do) something like a fountain, waterfall, canals, carriage ride i don't know and ask.  Some people hide the ring in food.  I saw a tv commercial one time where a guy tied a ring to a string and layed it on the bed when the sun hit it and the woman saw it he pulled the string until she had came to where he was on one knee aawwwwwww....

    Whatever you do it will be memorable


  4. well, 1st, u need how to type correctly, then maybe u can ask her to marry u......but i think her answer would be h**l NO...

  5. What is "propese" ?

    Do you mean how to propose to a girl?

    There is no chance to get a girl if you can't spell correctly.

    With 2 thumbs down. I say "h**l no". You gave people thumbs down but you probably don't understand why 'cause you can't read ???

  6. Well, do it the materialistic way. Buy a motorbike ( the bigger the cc, the better ) & get an up-todate handphone. Call her and 98% you will get an appointment. This does not guarantee you a marriage yet. To complete the process, you provide her the money for her to buy a house under her name. There you have it, a marriage deal. But but do take note, very soon you may find yourself as a divorcee with more $$$ to fork out for divorce proposal... hee hee. that's reality man. Do take extreme care before you decide to propose if that's what you want...

  7. Show her the money..NO MONEY $$, NO HONEY..

    Good luck dude!!!!
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