
HoW CaN U GeT WaTeR OuT oF YoUr eArS?????

by  |  earlier

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aNsWeR PlEaSe!!!!




  1. Tilt your head to the side and put in about 4 or 5 drops of rubbing alcohol in the ear with water in it, leave in for a few seconds then tilt your head the other way to get the excess out, do the other side the same way, it works every time.  If you have a sore or cut in your ear, it will sting a little.

  2. OK, so this sounds crazy, but I swear it works every time:

    Hop on one foot and tilt your head to the side with the water in it. If you have your head at the right angle it should work anytime = ]

  3. use swim ear.

  4. Hop on 1 foot and put your head sideways.

  5. Shake your head.  Put some drops of rubbing alcohol in there.  Hold your nose and blow, but not to hard you will pop and eyeball or ear drum.  If that doesn't work get the plunger from next to the toilet and press it on the side of your head while humming.

  6. Make a mixture of vinegar and water.  Take a cotton ball, dip it in the mixture, and squeeze it into your ear.  Should help.

  7. Do the old hopping on one leg thing but if that doesnt work pull your ear lobe down as you do it, that usually does the trick for me. if its a continual problem you can get sprays and stuff from the chemist or you could just use ear plugs.

    i don't recommend putting stuff into your ears, you don't want to get them infected and then not be able to swim at all.

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