
HoW SaFe iS YoUr NeIgHbOrHoOd??????

by  |  earlier

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is there much crime?

this morning i woke up and got ready, walked out my unlocked front door, up to my unlocked car and found i had left my keys in it with the window down.

i love this country!




  1. what is your country?

    Where I live, you're not safe even in your own house (Italy)


    I don't lock my doors.

    The dogs wouldn't let you in anyway.

  3. Nicee.

    I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, 3 blocks from UW Madison.. so there are crazy college kids everywhere causing trouble... but crime is not a problem.

  4. In my neighborhood it is very safe, not just because the people are great but we have 2 police officers as well as a police detective that live here and many times I have done the same...........

  5. I live outside of Nashville, TN in a very safe neighborhood, although I usually lock things as a matter of habit from when I lived in Las vegas!

  6. mine is safe but a bus past by my house like every 10 minutes, rarely any cars at night, crime free, quiet, but one time my mom left our car unlock and someone tried to rob our car but luckily my mom got outside in time-San Francisco, California

  7. mine  safe(USA)

  8. here in Quito, Ecuador,....houses get robbed everyday .  u hear ppl u know gettin robbed and u woudnt be surprised.

    gettin robbed is more like an annoyance than a tragedy lol...

  9. I live in good neighborhood its drug free and not too much crime! No s*x affenders live here I'm in Livermore CA!

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