
HoW cAn YoU sAvE mOnEy On ThE eLeCtRiCtiY BiLL???????

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HoW cAn YoU sAvE mOnEy On ThE eLeCtRiCtiY BiLL???????




  1. Switch to the non profit making electricity supplier Ebico. You can do it online and is simple, quick and effective

  2. UsE LeSs

  3. Take a serious look at the big consumers of electricty. Heaters, clothes driers and water heaters are on the top of the list, then oven ranges and anything big, like electric sauna or whatever. These are ones you can do something about by, getting a newer one that works better, reducing useage or turning off completely. Something as simple as turning your heat down especially when you don't need it helps.

    Get an alternative portable generator like a wind mill or solar cells.


  4. There, your stupid typing DID get you some attention . . .  

  5. StOp AsKiNg StUpId QuEsTiOnS oN hErE

  6. use less and wear a jumper

  7. Turn everything off at the plug, including cooker, hob, kettle, heaters etc everything!

    Turn stuff off as soon as you have finished using it.

    Do a price comparison on suppliers and find the one that best suits.

    Replace all of your bulbs to energy efficient ones.

    Ask Greenpeace for more advice. . .

    It seems to make a difference to my bill!

  8. DoNt BuRn ElEcTrIcItY WaStInG TiMe On ThE InTeRnEt DoInG SiLlY FoNtS

    TiMe Is MoNeY!

  9. Easy babe use the neighbours electric instead.

  10. Stop using your pc so much to sit on yahoo answers lol.

  11. hello - turn off everything when you are not using it, that includes unplugging the TV and stereo when you leave.  Anything with a "clock" is using electricity even when off - unplug them.  Unplug your phone charger when not using it.  dont leave AC running when not home.  close shades in the day so it does not get so hot so the ac can cool more easily etc.  good luck.  

  12. don't leave anything  on standby saved about a fiver on mine because of this  

  13. Install a Solar System. When your not using electricity your meter moves backwards.

  14. Try not to use a tumble dryer if you have one. I love mine as it gets things dry so fast but what I do now is hang the items over a clothes horse until they are nearly dry and then give them a whizz in the dryer.

    Don't leave things on standby and buy energy saving bulbs.  

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