
HoW long does ALCLOHOL stay in your system??

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HoW long does ALCLOHOL stay in your system??




  1. If you're getting a test done, you can still find traces of it in your system for about a month...or maybe it drugs?

  2. Trace amounts may be detected for up to, but no more than, 24 hours.

  3. One drink (one shot, one beer, one cocktail, one 8 oz. glass of wine) takes approximately one hour to leave the body.  5 drinks = five hours.

    It also depends on age, weight, height, gender, how fast you drink the alcohol, how much you've eaten that day, and how much of an experienced drinker you are...but on average one drink = one hour.

  4. it depends how much u drink

    1 cup= 20 min

    5 cups=  2 hours

    10 cups = 4 hours

    (ur too drunk u dont remeber how much u drank)= 1 day

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