
Hoax or hope for people with weight problems?

by Guest60107  |  earlier

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I read yesterday that someone invented special cookies made mainly of proteine.. A person is supposed to take 5 of them to work instead of eating breakfast or lunch.. each cookie has 100 cals.. then in the evening the person is allowed to eat a supper of some chicken breast or turkey amounting to 300 cals.. the overall amount of calories allowed per day is 800...and of course if we lived by such a diet of 800 calories per day even a couch potato would lose weight.. but how dangerous is that .. is it at all feasible that a person can function with such a low amount of calories and work? A young lady said she lost 50 lbs in one year..just by following this diet.. she did look slim and she showed a pair of jeans that were 3 times her present size...Can people who are healhty and not in hospital.. and bedridden and terminally ill really manage to survive on 800 cals and still be productive..? In Venezuela Miss World contestants had to go on a 500 cal per day diet for 6 weeks prior to the competion in the past.. to have their ideal body weight....that means one plate of soup and one apple and ....????a salad with no dressing perhaps.




  1. You know what?  The best way to lose and maintain weight is by exercising and cutting back on calories.  It's simple, no science to it at all.  I don't believe in these weight loss gimicks.  I've lost 2 stone and I'm staying put now because I'm happy :)

  2. i suppose a person can function with an intake of a low amount of calories per day for a limited amount of time - and even better so if that person is overweight, as so they are still fed practically speaking. later, after the weight loss, they can start eating normally, without excesses, and healthy, so that they don't eat too much again and unhelathy and put the weight back.

    i suppose that any carefully planned diet can help with losing weight.  

  3. To me this sounds like a diet for machine-humans with machine-minds: Who would want to do without the diverse taste of a good and healthy diet with real food? To indulge in good food is one of the pleasures of my life.

    I think the "special cookies" are a danger especially for young girls whose bodies are still developing. It sounds so much easier to rely on some magic technology-cookies instead of exercise and a healthy lifestyle to keep your weight at balance. But most of the potential clients for these cookies will not be overweight at all. To them it would be really dangerous.

    I could not imagine surviving with 800 cals per day let alone do a good job on long days at work.  500 cals for Miss World contestants? Wow, I wonder how they managed to do that, it sounds awful.

    So for me it´s a hoax and a dangerous one. Because I believe it´s a better idea to lose 50 lbs in twelve months with exercise, a healthy diet and some self-discipline.  

  4. DANGEROUS........

    A person in a coma lying on a bed all day needs at least 600 calories a day!!

    Nothing comes before self control, looking up what calories a person of your particular bone structure, height and activity level needs to maintain a HEALTHY weight range, and a little food diary to write everything down so you can tally up the calories after each meal. Like a budget, keeping an eye on how you're going.

    Slow but sure, healthy and attainable. takes work, but your character grows too.


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