
Hobbies- I'm looking for a new hobby and really don't know what to do, i'm nt intested in owt specific ideas?

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Hobbies- I'm looking for a new hobby and really don't know what to do, i'm nt intested in owt specific ideas?




  1. why don't you try a few things & see what you enjoy doing - martial arts,tennis,babminton, athletics or see if there's any short courses at your local college which interest you. You never know you could have a hidden talent somewhere!

  2. I'm with Mr P. Medieval re-enactment is fun! We're involved with the SCA ( I've tried a bunch of different crafts: dyeing with natural dyes, improved my embroidery, tabletweaving, dressmaking, knitting and fingerloop braiding. I've helped out in feast kitchens, am learning about Polish heraldry, tried Renaissance dancing, somehow got elected as seneschal (president) of our local group, an am helping update the awards database. My hubby has made chainmail, tried leather working, has made a gorget, is also learning dressmaking, learned to lucet, does archery, and won a competition for his cold weather Roman garb. Our daughter is only one, so she just runs around in cute baby garb and eats whatever is within reach.

    So, there's plenty of stuff to do. Crafts, exercise (sword fighting is a REAL sport. I spit on football ;) ) and service. There's always someone who needs a hand to put a tent up or to carry food from the kitchen. If you get tired of one thing, there's plenty of other stuff to do!

  3. What about some crafts such as cross-stitching? Just be as creative as you can and you will be hooked on it in no time!

  4. I never liked history at school, nor was very sporty. However when I saw a group doing medieval re-enactment I asked what was involved.

    I am now proficient at medieval longsword and enjoy a few weekends camping a year , and battling in full medieval armour against an army of knights on horseback!  Nothing like the clash of steel armour to make you feel alive. BTW - we don't coreograph the fights - we just know how to fight - and take blows - and sometimes who must win (for historic battles) True sometimes someone looses a finger - but it's all good fun.

    Or you could take up longbow - be an archer. Plenty of competitions if you like the crowd cheering you on.  Fancy being a hero in front of 3000 people?  If your group is well known, you may get to be an extra in films - fancy being in films?

    I can ride, duel longsword - quite impressive for a bit of effort - and beats going down the gym to lift weights. Plus I like the atmosphere of a medieval camp. Something about women in bodices and leather I think ;-)

    Just noticed you're a wench - or a lady ? At least two of are group are very good at longsword and archery. Although not technically allowed on the battlefield - many do in armour which I find strangely erotic ?

    Forgot to mention the banquets - a few of those during the year are organised in various castles and stately buildings. Speeches - honoured guests - maybe the odd duel halfway through for entertainment if the tables are strong enough.

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