
Hobo guy freak out in city..????

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I live in the suburbs. I don't visit the city too often. But for my sister-in-laws birthday I went with her and a couple others downtown. We took a train,.then walked to a resteraunt/ club.

On the way. There were a couple homeless men asking for money.....we are all not used to these type of people so most the time we didnt give them anything.

But, this one old homeless man FREAKED ME OUT!!!

He didnt even ask for anything 'cept a hug and a kiss. He would not let me walk past him. So i pushed away and he let me go.

Later on while my friend was buying one of those purses on the stands other homeless older man was yelling at the seller and pulled out a knife.

Why are they so voilent and why so creepy????




  1. "Mo" is right.

    Many of them are people with mental disorders and can't really help a lot of the things they do.

    Instead of getting help from a mental hospital, they're on the streets, or even worse off in jail because of something stupid they did, but didn't know it.

  2. The best thing for the bum and society is to enforce the vagrancy laws. The cops used to arrest people who were homeless and then they'd get the psychiatric help they needed. Now, with idiot liberals running the government these guys are a public threat to themselves and others.

    The solution is to demand that they enforce these laws.

  3. Some homeless folk are homeless because mental or emotional problems are a key factor in their situation.   Try not to be afraid, but do be cautious and courteous.    Those folks are someones child, father, mother, brother, sister, friend.    

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