
Hock Burns?

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i've got a 1 year old lionhead female bunny who went to get her boosters. The vet checked her over and told me she had hock burns. What are hock burns and how can i treat them easily? Would changing her bedding help (she has straw with newspaper underneath)? Thanks xx




  1. The straw may be too hard on her feet or you may not be changing the bedding enough.  Why don't you switch to either carefresh or aspen bedding or get a cage with a wire bottom and a piece of wood for the rabbit to rest on.  They vet should be able to tell you how to treat the hock burns.

  2. Sore hocks is often caused by being on wire floors. Is she overweight or on wire floors? These are both easy things to remedy. Ask your vet how to treat her sore hocks.

  3. change the bedding!
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