
Hockey Night in Canada Theme-shouldn't we boycott this woman?

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I've been tied up with the death of my Mother during Wednesday night's game, and just read of the controversy over the theme.

This theme is IMPORTANT to us. What aren't they telling us? Hasn't she gotten enough money already? Wouldn't a true hockey fan GIVE the lousy theme to the CBC forever more.

This is my childhood-and I'm pissed. Who's at fault and what can be done? Please help me out here! Thanks!




  1. I would like to see a better product on the ice, rather than worrying about the theme - like the Leafs making the playoffs and Ottawa not choking.........

  2. The song is Canadian identity. It's Canadian tradition. Canadian culture. It's a second national anthem. Would you change O'Canada? I don't think so. The song has united the country. Who doesn't remember sitting with their family on Saturday nights listening to the song and Don Cherry? The song is as much part of Canadian culture as hockey itself. It is wrong to take it away from us.  Write to CBC. We'll flood their mails with letters. Tell them they can't just take away our traditions. Tell your family, friends, anyone. We must unite together as a nation, as Canadians, to save our tradition.

  3. I don't know that the woman is entirely to blame for this.  The rights to the song are controlled by a company who own the rights.  I believe they are going to work out a deal, the feedback from Canadian hockey fans has been basic outrage over the issue.

  4. I think it's dumb that the song wouldn't be given to CBC. If CBC doesn't have it who will? It's Canada's song, you can't give it to the US, and therefore it would just sit there and do nothing. I think the composer should get off her high horse and be a true fan, and Canadian and just give the song to CBC.

  5. I'm sorry for your loss :( Hugs to ya

    as for the song, I agree, they definately shouldn't get rid of it. The composer has the right to ask for whatever she wishes though and maybe she hasen't made as much on it as we would expect her to be making... you never know. I don't know what the deal is or why they may not renew it.

  6. First off I'm very sorry to hear about the death of your mother. I send my condolences to yourself and your family. To answer your question, yes, I'm pissed. How could they let that song go? I think both sides are responsible. If I was working for CBC I would be bending over backwards to get a deal. This song is important to Canadians. Even if you don't watch hockey you know that song, it is like Canada's second national anthem. Never did I think I'd live to see the day when this would happen (and I'm only 15).

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