
Hockey Night in Canada question?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I've been watching this guy for the last few games and am really starting to wonder who this is. They guy who wears the AMAZING suits. (One night last week it was white with bright daisys) If anyone could tell me his name, that would be great.




  1. Yup, that would be Grapes (his nicname). Don Cherry.

  2. Don S. Cherry is the person you are thinking about i think

  3. The only person that comes to mind when someone says "suits"

    is Don Cherry.

  4. don cherry the grapes he is hockey night in canada

  5. idk how you dont know Don Cherry

  6. stupid don cherry is his name and he is biased torward the canada teams so booo to him

  7. Don :P

  8. You are probably thinking of Don Cherry.

  9. Donald S Cherry.

    He was at one time, a coach of the Boston Bruins during the time of Bobby Orr and Phil Esposito.

    He resides in Mississauga, Ontario and is very active in 'Rose Cherry's House' charity. It is named in honour of his wife, who passed away a few years ago from cancer.


  11. don cherry

  12. Here's a thought if Don Cherry wants to get points with Hispanic and other ethnic minority fans in the States why doesn't he wear a zuit suit (also spelled zoot suit)

    OK who's the troll, I was just trying to be funny, especially as Grapes is old enough to remember when zoot suits were in style

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