
Hockey Pet Peaves anybody????

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Name a few you have.




  1. Never a fan of the dump and chase.I would love to hear the pcts when that play actually results in a goal.A stupid penalty when you're in the offensive zone,Another one-When they bring out the third sweater for one of the Original 6 teams.That Boston one a few years back made me wanna puke.

  2. Ref-blaming. Yes, they make crappy calls sometimes, but if your team deserves to win, they'll overcome it. If they lose, they have nothing but themselves to blame. Blaming the refs is lame.

  3. Puck bunnies

    the rude loudmouth fans at games

    Game blackouts

  4. The music before a faceoff. It should end before the linesman drops the puck. Instead, it goes on for a few seconds more as play resumes.

    Takes away what could be great tension.

    I have never seen Crosby split my team's D, but then again, I'm a Red Wings fan.

  5. People that like to crack their knuckles...Is that really necessary?  Is the team going to lose if your joints are tight?

    Strangely, ever guy I have EVER dated LOVES to crack them.

  6. 1. Dump and Chase defanetly

    2. Each line shift is only 40 seconds long on average (a little tooo short)

    3. When my team is on a power play and the other team clears the zone

    4. When my team can't score on a 5-3

    5. When my team gets a penalty when they already have a powerplay

    6. When some1 on my team misses a one-timer or even a pass

  7. When a goalie becomes overly aggressive in trying to play the puck.  Know your role and don't try to become a skater if it isn't necessary......

  8. I hate offsides and icings...i also hate dump ins..they are VERY annoying.

  9. When someone gives the puck away to the point instead of getting it ou of the zone.  Perfect example in the playoffs was when Steve Downie gave it away and Maxime Talbot scored.  That play took away any chance of the Flyers winning that game.

  10. I don't understand what all the criticism is about so-called "diving,"  If a player can draw a penalty with a well-timed embellishment, more power to him.  if he's not good at it, he'll get a penalty himself.  

    I cannot fathom some of the "goalie interference" calls being made in the playoffs.  We won't even address the "butt broke the plane" comment.

    I get frustrated by people on this board who use the words "always" and "never" ---- to describe something that might happen occasionally if it happened at all.  Examples:

    -- Osgood ALWAYS dives.

    -- Kronwall ALWAYS leaves his feet when he checks (and supposedly, according to some, NEVER checks clean).

    -- The refs ALWAYS call against one team or another.

    -- This player or that player NEVER get credit, criticism, etc.

    -- This player or that player, with hardly as much NHL experience as the Hanson Brothers, is the BEST EVER.  We've had more "best ever"s in the last ten years than in the history of the NHL.

    I guess I have a few peeves.....

    OH -- and when taking a shot -- HIT THE FREAKING NET!  I played hockey for 15 years, and while I wasn't the "best ever" I did  win some scoring titles, and I did it by actually hitting the net with the puck.  I mean, at least make the goalie stop it, right?  I can count on the fingers of my hands the number of times I missed a net in a season.  Sheesh!

  11. Bandwagoning homers....especially the ones who are too stupid to realize that they really are. Oh, you mean of the game...

    Instigator rule, lack of no-touch icing, neutral zone trap, and the trapezoid.

    Gonchar, what would you rather have? Soft-spoken cheering whenever there's a goal? "Oh, look, they just scored." "Jolly good." "Cheerio."

  12. I hate loud obnoxious people, at hockey games and in general!

  13. While playing, having the puck bounce crazily over my stick blade when a teammate passed it to me for an unobstructed shot on goal.....having my stick break while taking a slap shot.......losing an edge on my skates....getting a puck in the face (a hospital trip, stitches, and subsequent medical payments)....catching a rut in the ice and falling down while defending a 3 on 2 hot water in the showers after a game.....hitting the post when the net is wide open and the goalie is nowhere in sight.....whiffing on an easy tap in goal after a great set up by my center.

  14. Fans in the front row banging on the glass.

  15. when my team gets scored on and offsides and icing

  16. Where should I start?

  17. Sidney Crosby splitting my team's D drives me crazy...well I guess everyone can agree with me right

  18. people around you who try to start a chant or the wave and are always unsuccessful, yet they keep trying anyways.

    delay of game penalty

    people who get up and go to the concessions or bathrooms constantly (my grandparents had season tickets that were next to the aisles)

    when the players stop behind their nets with the puck so both teams can make a line change and regroup

  19. Never take a dump in the 3rd period! No matter what arena you are in.  Sorry, thats more of a superstition.

  20. when my team is on the PP and they need to score cause they are down and they take it behind the net casually and slowly while time ticks away on their powerplay i know they may be chaging lines but i dont care haha  I always scream at my tv when they do it.

    When my team has an excellent scoring chance in he offensive zone but they dont score for one reason or another and then the other team takes the puck down and scores that just kills me AHHH.

    When my team has the MO and they are goin in on a rush and THEY'RE OFFSIDES AHHHH!!!; too many men on the ice penalties; hitting the post; when fans get in my way at the game during play.

  21. Sean Avery

    and the Reffs of the playoffs

  22. Stupid crowds.  The ones that boo every time one of their players gets touched like it should be a penalty.  The ones that start cheering really loud when their team is on a 1 on 4 "breakaway".  The ones that boo everytime their team takes a penalty, even when it was the most obvious call in the world.

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