
Hockey Section: Here are some questions to ponder???

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1).street hockey. Ball or puck?

2). Game day snack Wings or Pizza?

3). Drunk drink Beer wine or hard stuff?

4).Favorite goalie current & all time?

5). Do you have team schwagg on your car/bike?

6).Team you dislike the most?

7).who is your teams mascot?




  1. 1. A Ball. Street hockey pucks only work if you're playing in an indoor arena.

    2. Pizza.

    3. I don't drink.

    4. Marty Turco now. Eddie Belfour and Tom Barrasso all time.

    5. I don't put stuff on my car.

    6. I really don't dislike any team.

    7. The Stars don't have one, and I hope we never do. Lol

  2. 1. ball

    2. pizza

    3. i don't drink

    4. Manny Legace

    5. not yet

    6. red wings

    7. Louie the bear

  3. 1) Ball

    2) Pizza

    3)I am not really a drinker but have seen more drunks with Beer

    4)current=Nabby   All time = Not sure too many to many just one

    5)I sometimes do during the season. I have USA hockey sticker on my car at all times and a sticker from my current travel team as well all year round.

    6)I don't dislike any team really. I can appreciate what they all have

    7)Stanley C. Panther

    Bonus= I can still see humor even in serious Homes.

  4. 1.  When they can find it my kids use a puck, usually a tennis ball.

    2.  Wings, oh well...

    3.  Proper Czech beer, Aussie Shiraz or Irish single malt, but hate to get drunk at all!

    4.  Ozzie (duh), Dwayne Rollason - ?spelling.

    5.  No

    6.  Ducks

    7.  Al the Octopus

    Bonus:  Crying.  I got back to the internet after the storms (which touched us lightly, and brought neighbours together in mutual help. I love where we live) to find that there have been some tragic events, and YA has had stormy times of its own.  I cuss those trolls!

  5. 1. Ball

    2. Pizza

    3. I don't drink, lol

    4. Marc Andre Fleury

    5. No, but when I own a car I will :)

    6. The Toronto Maple Leafs/The Ottawa Senators

    7. ICEBURGH!

  6. 1) ball.

    2) wings from buffalo wild wings! yumm

    3) i can't get drunk =x alcoholism runs in the family and i'm not becoming an alcoholic. haha

    4) the moose - Johan Hedberg. During his Pens days. Currently though, Flower.

    5) My brother has a lisence plate thing & a Pens magnet on the front of his car. My car doesn't have a battery, so i'm stuck with driving my fathers.. lol

    6) Flyers

    7) ICE to the BERGGGG the Penguin =)

  7. 1. Definately ball

    2. Hott wings

    3. Canadien Beer

    4. Manny Legace

    5. DirtBike

    6. FLYERS/ RED WINGS( They can Burn with Satan)


  8. 1. ball

    2. pizza

    3. beer

    4. Marc Andre-Fleury,   Domonik Hasek

    5. car

    6. Ottawa

    7. Sabretooth

  9. 1) Puck if it's a smooth surface, otherwise ball.

    2) Pizza (vegetarian)

    3) I'm 14...

    4) Mike Richter

    5) I lost my bike... Yikes! ( Rangers stickers on my Rollerblades, I improvised! )  

    6) Flyers

    7) I guess the closest thing the Rangers have to a mascot would be "Dancing" Larry...?

  10. 1. ball baby street hockey originated with a ball

    2. neither, they will make you suck, i have attempted both not a good idea from experience.

    3. I'm 15, but i like beer, wine is for women or q***r men unless it is a special occasion but i have never cought a strait man drinking wine at a bar.

    4. Eddy Belfore is a god, he was the head goalie of the stars in 99 when they won the cup

    5. I'm taking drivers ed this summer but when i do get a car believe me there will be plenty of stars shiznit on it

    6. The Wings(sorry wings fans its just that i am still P.O.ed about the wings beating the stars in the WC finals)

    7. a star guy? idk

  11. 1). ball- no doubt

    2). pizza

    3). i don't drink

    4). Martin Brodeur

    5). Yep

    6). Detroit Red Wings

    7). Jersey Devil

  12. 1. Ball widda ball!

    2. Za

    3. All of the above!

    4. Current: Vesa Toskala All time: Terry Sawchuk

    5. Not on bike. at home

    6. The Devils!

    7. don't have one i know of.

  13. 1. Ball

    2. Pizza. I actually don't like wings(I know, thats hard to believe)

    3. I don't drink

    4. Current- Miller. All time- Joseph

    5. A what? I don't think so

    6. Senators

    7. Sabretooth

  14. 1. ball

    2. PIZZA!!!

    3. i dont drink!


    5. dont own a car and i dont have it on the bike

    6. Ottawa Senators

    7. Carleton the bear

  15. 1. puck

    2. pizza

    3. neither

    4. all time - esposito

    5. yes, on my car, a sticker and lisence plate frame

    6. detroit

    7. Tommy Hawk

  16. 1. Ball.

    2. Pizza.

    3. Both!

    4. Current - Osgood

    All time - Hasek

    5. Nah, schwagg is only in my pants.

    6. Anaheim.

    7. Stinger for the Jackets, Octopus for the Wings.

    Yea, serious Haley isn't as fun.

  17. 1. Ball, I'm puck retarded

    2. Sangria, so I guess wine

    3. I've only been through a few Sabres goalies, and I'm not particularly fond of any of them, but I guess, team-wise, ti would eb Hasek, I'm a big Brodeur fan, too.

    4. OK, going back to question 2 LOL...tacos...wings if theres an out fo towner, but I only eat like 2 for tradition sake

    5. I do during the season, especially playoffs. I use blue and yellow glass chalk all over it. The dealers gonna kill me when ym lease is up

    6. Ottawa

    7. Sabretooth, the pantsless wonder

  18. 1) Ball

    2) Pizza

    3) Pepsi's fine thanks

    4) Current- Nabakov, All time- Sigh--Roy

    5) on my car yeah

    6) Avalanche

    7) Octopus

  19. 1.) Ball.  Puck's too hard to maneuver on the pavement.

    2.) Pizza

    3.) Soda.  Haha I'm only 17.

    4.) Marty Brodeur for suuure

    5.) Just a license plate holder that says New Jersey Devils on it.  Too much stuff on it would make my car look tacky.

    6.) Rangers, obviously dude.

    7.) New Jersey Devil (ha!  Rangers don't have one!)

  20. 1. Ball

    2. I have to have both.  How can you have one without the other?!  I'm from Bflo, I don't do one OR the other.

    3. I love beer and wine.  Don't like liqour.

    4. Current ... Price, and I guess as a good Sabres fan, I have to say Miller.  All time, I'll say Patrick Roy, he was my little brother's favorite, and the reason he started following hockey, thus, how I got my first taste of hockey =)

    5. Yes, I have to keep replacing it, cause low life b*stards on the West Side (I need to move) keep swiping my stash.

    6. Ottawa

    7. Sabretooth!

  21. 1) Puck

    2) Pizza

    3) Beer

    4) Vokoun current, The BEEZER! all time

    5) Not anymore... my sticker came off

    6) Probably Pitt

    7) Stanley C. Panther

    Best mascot evuuuhhh

  22. 1) Depends on the surface. Ball hockey is a faster pace and requires less pads, with a Puck it resembles ice hockey more, especially for goalies. Ball hockey : personal experience tells me it's more like lacrosse

    2) In addition to playing hockey 2-3 times a wk I also play tennis, soccer + hoops, bike about 50 miles a week so I am gonna burn off the calories anyway. While at Walmart earlier I had (3) double cheeseburgers faster than someone at the next table finished her salad. (Maybe that's why I don't drink Mike's "Hard Lemonade" .. they don't have one for fit guys !!)

    3) Better to get drunk on hard stuff like bourbon and tequila. I think most anyone can say they've drunk a 12 pack of beer and there's light beer (which to me doesn't count) but there isn't "Jack Daniels Light" for instance. If watching something for more than 2 hours I go with beer or wine. If you mean between chugging a beer or doing a shot I say do the hard liquor.

    4) Current : Martin Brodeur

         All-time : Patrick Roy

    5) I don't but I do have a "Don't Mess with Texas" sticker on one side and a Quebec one on the other. :)

    6.) That's a tough one. I think it's either Toronto or the Flyers.

    7.) Youppie we rescued him after the Expos got sold to Washington DC

    None_Profound : how about promoting one of the Cowboys cheerleaders? ;)

  23. 1. Puck

    2. Pizza

    3. I don't get drunk

    4. Current AND All Time goes to...Martin Brodeur

    5. Not yet....I'm going to get some though

    6. Detroit Red Wings

    7. Iceburg!

  24. 1) ball

    2) Pizza

    3) i'm underage :(

    4) Current: Nabby

    all time: idk

    5) nope...if i had a car and could drive, i definitely would

    6) Stars

    7) S.J. Sharkie :)

  25. 1 ball

    2 pizza

    3 dont drink

    4 Marc-Andre Fleury

    5 uh dont have a car but my room is covered in Pens stuff

    6 well there is an extremely long list but most i hate Detroit and the refs that were the refs in the finals

    (i didnt know how to word the part about the refs)

    7 Iceburgh

  26. 1. Ballin

    2. Neither..

    3. Vodka with my swedish neighbor haha

    4. All-time: ROY, Current: Fleury, Lundqvist, Khabibulin, NABBY

    5. Yes

    6. Flyers, Devils, Rangers, Islanders, Canes, Wild, Panthers, Sens haha

    7. Iceburgh

  27. 1) Ball's probably easier on the street.

    2) Hmmm...wings.  Preferrably B-Dubs mango habenero wings

    3) hard (whiskey) with a beer chaser (bud)

    4) Current: Turco    All time: Eddie Belfour

    5) no, I don't.

    6) there's really not a team that I dislike.  Well, maybe the Islanders.

    7) The Stars don't have a mascot.  Come to think of it, the Wild don't, either.

    Bring back the funny Homes!

  28. 1). When I played street hockey (I had neighbors who moved from Minnesota, thus afterschool street hockey games were a must), we always used a ball until one of our dogs got it, then we switched to a puck.

    I don't know why we never just used a puck in the first place, but I was only 10.  I didn't know.

    2). Pizza.

    3). Start out with the hard stuff...then maybe beer (liquor before beer you're in the clear/beer before liquor never been sicker....those rhymes have saved me from getting sick).  Wine drunk gives you the worst hangovers.

    4).  Current?  Osgood.  All time?  Ditto.  I'm lame.

    5).  Yes, on the car that I totalled last month.  This "new" car (my dad took the insurance money and bought him a new car so I got his old one), I think there is a little tiny sticker on a back window somewhere.  I need something more obvious.

    6). Usually the team that kicks Detroit out of the playoffs.  Which means next season I will be at peace with all of the NHL teams.

    7). The Octopus!

  29. 1. Ball

    2. I'm a vegetarian so pizza of course.

    3. Don't drink.

    4. Haven't watched long enough to have a favourite goalie of ALL time (only been 2 1/2 years since I started watching hockey).

    5. Can't drive, only 15.

    6. Sens

    7. Carlton the Bear

    *Trolls...what can we do?

  30. 1)Ball

    2) It depends.

    3)Im underaged...*shifty eyes*  beer's good.

    4) Kiprusoff & Vernon

    5)Yes!, Not my car though :(. But I put it on :)

    6) Soilers, Nucks, ...the list goes on.

    7) The first NHL mascot ever of course.

    Harvey the Hound =)

  31. 1. Ball, those hard balls, that don't bounce, the puck bounces too much on asphalt.

    2. Wings AND Pizza (it's what we always get).

    3. Wine sucks, beer is better.

    4. Current: Marc-Andre Fleury. All time: Patrick Roy.

    5. No. I'd not put anything on my car. A car's a car. I just hate the way bumper stickers, or flags, or anything like that look like on cars. They don't need to be there, in my opinion.

    6. Detroit Red Wings.

    7. Avs don't have a mascot, they used to have like a bigfoot guy, then we had a dog.... I don't think they have one anymore.

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