
Hockey Skates...for a 3 year old...?

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Can anyone recommend skates that would fit a three year old? He's a size 8 currently...Would I still by them a half size smaller like I did when I played hockey or does it really matter when it's someone that young? Thanks!




  1. I have told my hockey parent with tots as young as yours to start out with figure skates.

    The reason. Figure skates don't have that huge rocker that hockey skates do  which makes it easier to balance on the ice.  Also the toe pick helps when getting up off the ice after they fall.

    Once your child has the basic foundations of skating ie, getting up on their own, two foot glide,  and  have an over all good balance on the ice, then I would move to hockey skates.

    Rental will work just fine for now, however most arenas start at size 9.  Your best bet is either to wait until your child's feet grows or find a size 8 figure skate. Sporting good stores should carry  them or you can talk with the ice arena management or skating director of group lessons in your area to find out who sells them.

    I hope this helps.

  2. DO NOT start him out with figure skates. He will get used to the tying up at the ankles and get used to the toe picks. Then when you try to switch him over to hockey skates he will trip because hes so used to the figure skates and he will feel as if his ankle isnt as supported. Im a figure skater and a volenteer coach to the younger kids and i've known many little kids who come in one day with figure skates then the next day with hockey skates and there just a mess. Whatever sport he decides to take use the proper skates designed. Also, I wouldnt buy a size smaller in anything, hes 3, hes feet are going to grown extreme amount in a year, go with a size or even 1/2 a size bigger for now. Or go with a trade up plan.

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