
Hockey Stick Flex...please help!?

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Hey... Im a (almost 15) 14 year old girl and I have the nike bauer one90 ice hockey stick...the flex is like 90-95 (i think) ive played with it all season and I love it...but I was wondering if hat felx is WAYY to high for my age and strength...Is it okay that im using this stick???




  1. I prefer a flex that is half my body weight.

  2. yea 90 flex is a lil high. im 16 im still using a 67. its all preference tho

  3. yeah that seems a bit too strong for someone of your age to use.

  4. Well it's really all personal preference. More flex is usually better if you aren't as strong. I like a stiffer stick with a heel curve blade personally.

    Try some things out... borrow some of your buddies sticks for practices to see how they work out for you.

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