
Hockey butterfly slide?

by  |  earlier

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im teaching a camp and the kids have no idea how to do the butterfly slide. i know how to do it but the way im teaching it isnt working for the kids ... do u know a way i can teach it? plzzz help!




  1. Tell them to stand in there stance where they would line up for a face off in there end of the rink. (This is done in steps and as they get better speed it up and increase it all into one motion) Tell one of them to help you (its always better to get a kid goalie to do it as it helps kids see it from a kids point of view. at the end show them how you do it) So tell them to set up on the face off dot.

    Step one: Get set

    Step two: drop there outside knee

    Step three: tell them to push across and follow through with there other leg.

    Have the kids practice in front of you so you can watch them

    Hope this helps.....Remember to tell them to speed it up when they are good and increase it to a fluid motion.

  2. Don't forget where the knees need to be placed.  It is easy to focus on the feet.  

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