
Hockey section etiquette??

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What rules do you feel we should follow to help make this a better home away from home?

For example: If anyone answers my questions in a "real" fashion I will give a thumbs up....If your a spammer or troll or jerk thumbs down.




  1. if you don't like hockey don't go in the hockey section to comlpain about it. you'll never win

  2. 1. no reporting for the fun of it, unless it's a troll of spammer

    2. treat everyone with respect, no matter if what team they like, again unless its a troll or spammer

  3. If you can tell me why the frick anybody wants to know what artist did the paint on Fleury's mask then I won't answer in a sarcastic manner.

  4. Hi

    1 Don't be an homer all the time

    2 Jump off the bandwagon it will crash someday

    3 George Eliot - Blessed is the man who, having nothing to stay, abstains from giving us worthy evidence of the fact.

    4. Opinions are not facts. If a question ask for a fact, make sure you can back it up.  

    5. Chat rooms and messenger was made for a reason.  Sorry I really don't care that your dog died last night or you are going to see a great movie tomorrow.

    Thank You

  5. I agree w/ what jay k said ^^

    When someone asks a Question...

    I hate when people reply...LOOK IT UP...(when its not that easy to find)

    It is called Yahoo answers you know...not yahoo do it yourself.

  6. I think Respect is the main thing! If we all respect each other than peoples questions will be answered properly and new comers will feel welcome! I'm not saying get rid of all the jokes and sarcasm but just use them at the right times! Because the hockey section won't be the hockey section without the humor.

    In conclusion Respect is key!

  7. If people who use this site don't show respect for each other they don't belong here. Report only those who are ignorant or disrespectful of others. That is in race colour or creed terms.

    It is okay to disrespect people because they're jerks or Red Wings fans (If there's a difference). But not because they're unknowlegeable about hockey or the NHL that is unless they are Penguins fans.

    Love and Peace,


  8. Someone failed to mention don't ask questions that you can very easily look up, like, who won the game last night or something like that.

  9. Don't post speculation questions such as "who will win the cup" or questions that have been asked a million times like "who is better Ovechkin or Crosby."  Don't bash deserving contributors (I would say top contributors, but not too many of us actually deserve the badge) and don't answer questions in a ridiculously biased way.  Also STOP POSTING DEAD HORSE COMMENTS THE TERM ITSELF HAS BECOME A DEAD HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Plain Ol' Jeff nailed it for me.

  11. I think we should scare away anybody that sucks.

  12. i've been seeing a lot of sarcastic comments lately to questions that aren't even that stupid

    for example:

    There was no need to waste time by answering the question with "Me." you obviously didn't.

    So i'd say: quit giving... sarcastic answers to questions if in the end, you aren't going to give a serious answer. I mean, i can see if you're going to say "Me..... noo, noo, kidding." and then actually answer it...

  13. I'm all in favor of what Homes said... I mean, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen already. We're hockey fans. Hockey is not for the light-hearted.

    Reporting, to me, is generally a cowardly act. Unless a person is reporting a troll/spammer. If someone's just a jerk though... my opinion is that people should have the stones to fight their battles in the open. Yeah, some people can go ahead and point out that's it's "stupid" to argue on the internet. Well, they should know that I, personally, would rather say something to someone's face in person, so why should I go behind their backs on the internet? That seems more illogical and hypocritical (though it IS the internet, so not really on a grand scale).

  14. Don't say a team sucks or something like that for no reason and with no intelligent back up.  For example: "How Many Points Will Ovechkin Get Next Year?".  Response: "CAPS SUCK GOO PENS CROSBYS BETTER!!!!!!!!!!"

    oh, of course the Rangers still suck :-)  we just know how to back it up!

  15. Stop assuming that every girl who visits the hockey section is a puckbunny. I can't stand when people do that. Here is an example;...

  16. Prevent idiots from posting stupid questions about re-signing players or how to find an instructional hockey video in iran.  I think there should only be serious questions about a team, its players, its playoff chances, its history, and most important, its fantasy impact.

  17. You want etiquette, go to a tea party.

  18. Have them Penalized and Reported the ones Reasonable for this.

  19. Respect other people's opinions, even if they disagree with your own.

  20. I for one never give anyone a thumbs down unless they're spamming. So maybe people should relax with the button that looks like this

    There's no problem with having faith in your team, but there's a few people I've spotted around here who get out of hand with being a homer. They think they're team is sooo much better than everyone else and they're guranteed to win....even if they're not. Now that, my friend, is just being stupid. So there's no problem with having faith, but being an extreme HOMER is just plain annoying......I still even give the homers thumbs up for some reason.....

    Just don't act like an @sshole. If you do want to act like one.....bring it a notch down.

  21. Follow the unwritten code.

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