
Hockey sticks?

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when you buy stick on the internet. its say "face angle" what does that mean it give you like (neutral, closed, sightly open, open, and etc.) what does that mean. can you show me what it does playing wise? and what does is the different between them all? pro and cons about your answer pleaseee! thank you!




  1. Face angle is analogous to golf club loft.  It's the angle made between the ice and the front of the blade.  If the face is turned open puck trajectory will be higher.  Neutral would be perpendicular to ice.  Closed would tilt down towards the ice.  A forward or scorer would naturally want a more open face angle than a defenseman or assist man.

  2. Nuetral: no bank on the blade.  Good for a new player, because if you don't know where you are playing or you switch your job.

    Closed: the blade banks in, making your shots lower and giving you better handling.  Better for a defenseman because they like to make low shots that can be tipped

    Slightly open: Good for power forwards.  Gives you a higher shot when in close

    Open: For those who really like to take shots up high.  Better for highly skilled forwards
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