
Hockey wounds...?

by Guest64031  |  earlier

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Have you ever got stiches, broke any bones, or anything thing else from playing hockey? Share your story lol




  1. no ice around here but i was playing street hockey in my driveway on easter waiting for my ice hockey season to start back up and i slipped on a wet spot and my knee kid the base of the basketball hoop and the driveway where they meet and it blew it all the way open. got myself inside and i call the medics. my whole knee cap was hangin out took 7 stitches, 14 numbing shots, and a tetnis shot. btw i was 15 then

  2. 1) Top half of a stick to the face, baseball bat style: broken nose, fractured orbital, 40-50 stitches, concussion.

    2) Slap shot to the eye: fractured orbital, 60+ stitches, concussion

    3) Stick to the forehead: 25 stitch cut in the shape of a Nike swoosh.

    4) First real training camp hockey fight: TKO, lights out second punch, concussion.

    5) I have literally hand hundreds and hundreds of stitches along with dozens of broken fingers and toes.

  3. The worst injury i've heard of is gary robert's broken a**s after he droped the soap in the pens lockeroom.

  4. Separated shoulder.. Ran into my own player. Big guy too. He didn't feel a thing but I hurt for weeks.

  5. broke my ankle blocking a slapshot from the point during a spring league game
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