
Hoe do you know if youre still wearing your contact lenses?

by Guest65360  |  earlier

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im a little worried.. i scratched my eye and suddenly my eyesight became blurred. i couldnt find it around and not in my eye either. my eyes are a bit irritated right now and im scared that my contacts are still up in my eye. or maybe its coz i was looking for my contacts in my eye too much.. i dont know. ive been wearing contact lenses for a year already and ive always had trouble with this. thanks.




  1. Wash your hands, pull up./down your eyelids, and check. Move your eye around.

    If you feel some discomfort that seems unrelated to scratching your eye but you can't find the contact, relax. It won't hurt you and sooner or later you'll either blink it out or it'll slide back into place.

    If you do see it, gently rub your eyelid to try to get it to move (not your whole eye; you don't want to irritate them furthermore), blink hard, and move your eye around until you blink it out or are able to take it out of your eye with your fingers.

    If you can't see it or feel it, it probably fell out or you blinked it out without noticing.

  2. Well if you are scared that you contacts may still be in your eye, you should probably get your eyes checked by your doctor.  You should also porbably also get you scratch checked out as well because those kind of eye injuries can casue your eye to become infected and the blurred vision that you are experencing may become permanent.  I highly doubt that your contact is still in your eye but if it is, be sure to get it out asap because that can also lead to many eye infections.  

    Now I am not an eye expert but still that is probably the best thing you can do for yourself and your sight.

  3. omg i hate when this happens! i know it probably hurts really bad too!

    turn off the light in your room. lay down flat and close your eyes and move your eyes around then start to blink slow and you might feel it roll into place. with your eyes closed gently feel your eyelid with your fingertips and you might feel it that way too. if still nothing. try to put some rewetting drops in your eyes and lay face down and it might roll into place then too.

    hope i helped!

  4. If you don't see it-it probably already came out.

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