
Hoe do you like the begining to my play?

by  |  earlier

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what do you think?


sam - a seagull who's tired of living in the desert and wants to leave home to be like a normal seagull that lives on the beach, he soon begins a life of crime stealing chips from a store

ma - Sam's mom- is sad to see sam go

pa - is happy that sam will soon be able to go off on his own- and maby bring a good name to seagulls every wear

shop owner - owns the store that sam begins stealing chips from, at first hes mad that sam is stealing until costumers start paying for Sam's chips, and sam starts attracting more costumers

pigeons - the “bad boys” in town - convince sam to start stealing chips

costumer 1 - first one to see sam stealing chips

costumer 2 - first costumers little kid

costumer 3 - first one to make donations

costumer 4 - first one to get footage of sam stealing chips

costumer 5 - first one to point out that sam is attracting costumers

anchor man

anchor woman



student body president

vice president




football team


the scene is on a nest in a cactus in the desert

sam, ma and pa are there. ma and pa look worried sam looks determined

ma- son, you wanted to talk to us about something?

pa- something ...important?

sam- yea, ma... pa, i cant live like this anymore

ma- like what sweetie?

sam- in this heat! the sun is way to hot,

sun- (sun comes out onto the stage dressed in a yellow sequin dress, a sash that says narrator and fluffing her hair- the family cannot see her) well thank you, your looking pretty good your self!

sam- the ground is dry, there's nothing to look at for miles and miles... and i want to leave the desert and go... (very dramatically) to the city

(ma faints, pa catches her and sam helps him prop ma up on a chair)

pa- whats so great about the city?

sam- theres other seagulls there, water, food every wear you go... (looks at pa and see that hes not convinced) and maby i can... (looks reluctant to say what hes about to say) maby i can... (sigh) maby can (spitting it out as fast as he can) make something of myself (smiles akwaawkwardlya- (brightining) you could bring a good name to seagulls every ware! you know thats always been my dream (looks of into the distance) did i ever tell you about the time-

sam- (hurridly inteinterrupting pa) i know, i know- you and ma where on the news when you flew pooped on a reporters head. so i can go?

pa- yup, (still looking into the distance) live tv to! and ever since then its been my dream to get on tv one last time...

sam- so can i go?

pa- of course! (glances at ma) but go before your ma comes to... ill say good bye for you!

sam- you know mas going to be mad...

pa- well tthat'smy business not yours, go on! good bye!

sam- ok! bye pa! you wont regret this!

pa- make me proud son!

(curtainsclose the sun stands in front of them)

sun (narrator so sam flew, and flew right out of the desert and right to everett washington... we’ll get back to sam later right now lets go to everett highhigh schoolme of the seagulls- convenient isint it?

(we see a class room setting the SBP looks nervous)

student body president)- guys i have some good news and some bad news...

vice presedent (vp)- (worriedly) bad news?

SBP- the school district wants us to change our masscot

treasur(t)- WHAT!

secratary(s)- they cant do that!

SBP- well, i think thay can

VP- we cant let them!

T- whats wrong with seagulls?

SBP- apperently there not “popular” enough and the district wants us to be the chickens

S- the chickens!!!!! we cant be called CHICKENS

VP-thats the most stupid thing i’ve ever heard of

S- whats the good news?

SBP- we have 2 weeks to convince them that a seagull would make a better mascot

T- how are we going to do that?

SBP- what we need is a miricle

(everyone freezes lights dim and spotlight apperes on the sun)

sun- well if you think that sucks folks- wait untill you see sam!!!!

(curtian closes behind sun- sun is joined by clouds- the clouds swarm her asking for atographs- the group

makes its way off stage- sun looking quite annoyed. cutian opens revealing sam sitting out side of The Shop he is begging The Pigions for food)

sam- cant i have some food? just one little nibble?

Pigion 1 (p1)- no

sam- please???

Pigion 2 (P2)- no

sam- pretty, pretty please

Pigion 3 (p3)- no

sam- i’ll do any thing!

P1- anything?

sam- anything!

p2- umm we need to consult....

(the pigions huddle)

P3- ok heres some bread

P2- you go to work tomorrow

sam- (smiling and scarfing down bread) you guys are great!! see ya tomorow!!!!!

i think some parts are a little rushed, please tell me what to fix! please! i know that




  1. What the h**l are you talking about!!! I only read the first 2 lines this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long to read  

  2. this is the longest question i have ever seen!

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