
Hoiw to catch white perch?

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I live near a lake where the white perch are real active now. What is the best lure and best method to catch the most bigger ones?Live bait or artificial lures? We catch alot of small ones when we see them surface or find them on the bottom using a jigging spoon, But most of them are small.




  1. White perch really don't get too big for the most part. They average about 8 ounces and 5"-10" when they overpopulate (which they often do) their growth is stunted. Sorry to say, but a 1 pounder is about as good as they get. You can catch them with minnows and crawlers pretty consistently, live bait beats out artificials.

  2. in scotland we use maggots or small worms 'cause the just bite the bottoms of the larger worms. also we have big juicy black slugs that roll when reeled in and flash the white elly underneath. best tip i've got for catching more perch is to use a keepnet because when you release a perch it will sometimes  take the shoal away. tight lines.

  3. Use a worm about a centimetre to an inch long on an ordinary hook. You will need to cut the worm to get it that small. Cast far near weeds but not too close, reel slowly but fast enough to not get your hook stuck. I live in Manitoba, and we go to a place called Waterhen and we fish from the dock. I use what I told you and catch a perch almost every cast. They might be small, but if you want bigger ones you can put on a centimetre or so bigger worm on your hook. I really hope this helps and I hope you feel happy when you catch perch!

  4. first let me guess where you are from.......Louisiana maybe?

    that's the only place i know where they call crappie a white perch. if you can find them a white H&H works really well. it's

    a 1/8 oz and 1/4 oz spinner bait.

  5. NIGHTCRAWLERS on a 1in hook

  6. Use small inline spinners like roostertails in 1/8 - 1/4 oz. or 3" twistertail grubs. It may not stop all the small perch from biting but you will definitely catch some of the larger perch. Tight lines!!!

  7. Dive in with your .45. :D

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