
Hold your breath???????

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Why is it that some people hold their breath when they drive past a graveyard? Like do they do it as respect or out of superstition? or what?




  1. ive always thought that it was so a ghost could not steel your body or soul. i know its just some weird little quirks tha tlittle kids do, but i cant stop doing it! so yes, i would guess it would be some american superstition.

  2. maybe they are fear of it, nightmare, ghost, spirit, monster

  3. actually there's like a wives tale or little kid rumor that if you breath while driving past a graveyard then the dead people will try to steal your soul ... and if you manage to keep your breath held than you can make a wish and it will come true ..... it's on crack I know ...

  4. Maybe to show they're affected by it...?

  5. I have never heard of this, but it's very possible that when they do, it's not out of fear, but thinking that a person they love is in there. They could also be thinking about other ppl's relatives too, Cemeteries are a sad place for many people.  

  6. Maybe They are just creaped out at the thought of nearing the graveyard so they just hold their breath till they pass by that they don't make any sound or something..

    Hope this helps.

  7. hmm idk becuse Ive never saw anyone do this before but...thats interesting you should sat that

  8. A dead mans spirit can take many forms including that of the colourless wind. You wouldn't want to inhale a ghost into your body. It can rip you apart from the inside!

  9. i do it :/ im not really sure why i do. i just feel that maybe the spirits will haunt me or something :S x

  10. Never heard of this in England. Maybe its just an american thing. Either way, crazy is as crazy does...

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