Do you think that manner is dead? or do you do it anymore?
I mean sometimes its just rudeness that puts you off that sorta thing, I mean yesterday i was shopping with my boyfriend who can't use either of his arms because he fell through a glass door and tore the tendons in both arms and still has to wear his surgery cast things so i was carrying all our shopping.
We walked through one of those self opening doors where they either open by themselves or you push a button to open, this woman screams thank you to us for some reason and rushes up to us screaming that we should look behind us and hold open doors, She just looked at us even though we obviously couldn't do it and still kept ranting on until i pointed out that it was a self opening door by that point she had stopped talking pushed me out of the way and walked off using her child in a pushchair like a battering ram and knocking 3 people out of the way.
What do you think of this situation?