
Holding my bunny?

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I've had my bun for a year and hes still not used to being held. He lives in the garage and i bring him outside in the grass every day, and i play with him. every time i try to hold him, he jumps out of my hands. he lets me pet him all the time and spend time with him, but he doesn't let me hold him. Maybe its coz he doesnt like it, hes mad at me or somethin? I might not be holding him right?

plz help....

P.S. My bun lives in the garage coz my little bro has asthma




  1. Hi Camille... some bunnies won't particularly like to ever be held, however this isn't to say they cannot change over time.  

    Consider trying to offer a favourite treat while you are holding the bunny.  Start by holding the bunny for a few seconds and give the treat while you are holding your bunny.  After he has taken the treat, put him down.  The bunny is then getting two rewards -- the treat and being released.  Eventually, increase the amount of time you hold the bunny (example: hold for 3 seconds, put down... hold for 1 minute and put down.... hold for 1 minute and a couple seconds...down...etc)  and then give your bunny a treat.    The idea is to slowly increase the time while rewarding the bunny.  Soon your bunny should learn that in order to get the treat he needs to allow to be held.

    It may take several months for him to change if you use this technique, but it has worked with many of our clients small pet animals.  Consistency and patience over time will ensure this will happen for your bunny too.

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