
Holding off on solids?

by  |  earlier

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my baby is 7.5 months, she has had solids on and off since about 6 months. by solids I mean biter biscuits, fresh fruit, cooked veggies, cheese, bread...real food, basically tastes of what we're eating. well anyway this past 2 weeks shes been eating ALOT and Ive noticed shes had horribly smelling gas. is this her body's way of telling me to hold off on the solids? her bowel movements havent been too different, a little thicker but nothing special. any advice?




  1. no i would just keep doing what you are doing. but make sure she is still getting the right amount of formula, or breastmilk as well. cuz thats what is important right now.

  2. As long as she's not showing signs of allergies or intolerances, I wouldn't worry about it!  My daughter farts and poops like a big gross man, lol!!!!  Watch for things like rashes, swelling, diarrhea and constipation, which mean to back off and figure out what's irritating.

    The nice variety you give her is great; keep it up!!!  That and lots of good breast milk!  :)

  3. Nope, her body's not telling you to stop the's just that a lot of the veggies cause stinky gas.  It's totally normal.

  4. I think it's just her body adjusting to the new food.  My son had really stinky gas the first month he was eating solids, but the last month or so he's barely passed gas at all.  I think it's just their bodies getting used to digesting new foods.  

  5. Sounds like a stomach bug to me...dont change eating habits!  

  6. You might want to hold off on the dairy because children that young should not be eating dairy.  See if eliminating that from her diet helps with the gas.
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