
Hole left from wisdom teeth...what to do?!

by Guest34155  |  earlier

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Ok, a couple things. Bottom 2 wisdom teeth didn't come in so I had them removed and had stiches...everything is ok with them except the same day I got the stiches, the one on the side of my mouth came out. I called and they said that it was, now, it is healed, but there is a hole, idk, right in my cheek. ANOTHER THING, lol. My top 2 teeth were fully in and now I have 2 holes up there....will they ever close?! Because, omg, the food that always get in there is a pain to get out.




  1. It's natural to have holes when you get your wisdom teeth out...

    just give it some time and they will heal. Rinse your mouth with salt water for a minute and it will clean them out. Just be patient and they'll get better soon. Good luck

  2. dry sockets they are called.  make sure you clean them out good.

  3. yes don't worry in time they will close up.

  4. Does it hurt? I heard dry socket hurts like a you know what.

    My dentist told me if I got them (I had my wisdom teeth out today) I could go in and he could inject something to fill the hole an prevent infection.

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