I wonder if anyone could point me in the right direction about the best way to spend the day in Italy.
I'm travelling early in the morning from Luton, UK to Bergamo, Italy & will get back by late in the night. So just a one single day.
I'll be flying to Italy's Bergamo airport by 10am.
Presently, I hope to catch a bus from Bergamo airport to Bergamo Railway station & head straight to Milan's Central railway station and spend the day sight-seeing there.
I'm rather unsure however, as if the places that's worth seeing in Milan is in fact AROUND this Central railway station OR would we have to go to some other part of the city. If so, how could we do so ?
Furthermore, the road maps over the Internet says Milan is ONLY 6-8 miles away from Venice city. If this is true, how do we go to Venice (after spending 4-5 hr. in Milan).
To get back, we're hoping to, if we go to Venice as well, come back to Milan & then catch a train back to Bergamo.
Any help towards Itinerary or places to see?