I am a homeschooler in my last year of highschool, (well, the state has me registered as an 11th grader, but the little number 12 in the corner of my textbooks begs to differ.) and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a creative multidisciplinary project with a holiday theme that I could do. I've thought of doing a report on the relationship between Christmas, Pegans, and Christ's real birth date (English, History, World Religions, and Public Speaking, as I would present it as an oral report.) or perhaps writing and illustrating a childrens book about holiday traditions in French speaking countries, since I'm taking French, and then read it to a group of young ones at the library where I volunteer. (French, English, Art, Public Speaking, and a little community service if I get the approval to read it to the kids.) Or maybe make an illustrated time line about a specific holiday tradition...say...Santa Clause, or christmas trees. Any suggestions?