
Holiday feed block made the water cloudy- now what do we do?

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we put a tetramin holiday gel feed block this morning into a 30l tank with 6 tetras and a betta. it is not one of the chalky ones -this is one that looks like cat food and comes in a foil tin.

now the water has gone all cloudy.

we go away tomorrow, for a week, what should we do?

the product specifically said it would not make the water go cloudy




  1. do a 25% water change and then use only half the block. your fish will be fine

  2. I agree with Emms, holiday blocks are c**p.

    I take it the block is for 30 litres of water and not 100?

    I would take it out and increase aeration for the tetra. Infusoria won't bother the betta at all.

    A week without food is nothing and the betta wouldn't have eaten the holiday block anyway.

    It's a bit late in the day to do radical water changes and the infusoria will disappear as quick as they came when their food runs out. I'll second the above plan, feed them just before you leave and as soon as you get back. Do a partial water change as soon as you can after that.

  3. Vacation / Holiday feeders are junk.

    Your fish would be better off with no food during your trip. Healthy fish can survive for a couple of weeks without food, so a short vacation like the one you're talking about would not be an issue.

    Take the block out.

    Do a large water change to get most of the cloudiness out. Add a water clarifier to get rid of any left-over cloudiness. Feed them their normal food in the normal amount right before you leave, and again when you come home.

    They will be just fine.

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