
Holiday in HONG KONG?

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I'm planning on going to Honk Kong with my girlfriend in March. How much money do you reckon we'll need each, or altogether?

(Not including flights or hotel, just spending money)




  1. Well $1USD is $7.50 HKD so you probably need at least 10 thousand HKD.




    P.S. HK it a great choice. I was born there and lived there for my first 9 years

  2. It depends on what you do

    If you do one touresty thing a day, one restaraunt a day, money for few drinks in evening, and a bit of shopping, I would say take £80 each per day.

  3. atleast 1000$ to spend on shopping and restaurants.

  4. it all depends what you will be doin each day and if your meals are included in your hotel, but if they are not then you will need between 70 and 100 pounds per day to get you 3 meals a day and do a bit of sightseeing. its always better to go with more and bring money back rather that to be out there and run out of money, have a good holiday
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