
Holiday in Paris?

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I am going to Paris with my fiance in August. We are only going for a long weekend though and want to make sure we don't miss anything... where would you recommend?? I know the obvious ones i.e. the Eiffel Tower but am looking for something a bit different




  1. If you are going for a romantic getaway in Paris for just a short time, forget about the Eiffel Tower (too many people).  The best would be to take romantic walks by the river, visit the islands and Notre Dame, go up to Montmartre for a stroll and to see the view of the city from on top of the hill, take your fiance shopping at Galleries Lafayett or Printemps (large department store type places but very famous), have a walk from the Louvre, through the Tuilleries Gardens and down the Champs Elysee, take a boat ride on the Seine (the city is very different from that point of view) and find some wonderful restaurants to enjoy good food, good wine, and then make love through the Parisian night.

    Paris, c'est l'amour.

  2. surely you have to go in the Disneyland park and/or in the Aster ix park , they are totally amazing!!! Also you can visit Louvre ,it is fantastic. ENJOY YOUR VISIT & HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi there,

    I recommend you to visit three important places:

    Musée du Louvres ( You will see the Mona Lisa smile)

    Montmartre (French traditional neighborhood)

    Les Invalides (Napoleon's grave)

    Then, instead of visiting, you can have a look of: the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Champs Elysées.

    As regards Versailles, it is  located in the outskirt of Paris, so you need an entire day to complete the visit.

    In order to ease your holiday, you can use the website of Transport for Paris , you will find an English version that will help you.

    Keep in mind that Paris has many attractions, a week end is short, so enjoy and visit few but unforgettable places.

  4. You will need longer than a week-end just to get to the front of the queue for the Eiffel Tower. Paris is overated and IMO a really bad place to take a holiday.

  5. Dont miss out the cafes in Montmartre.And you haven't mentioned the Louvre or Notre Dame among the obvious ones. Versailles Palace is also one of the world's wonders.Personally, I think that just walking down the streets of Paris is far more interesting than visiting the night spots ike Moulin Rouge, Lido, etc. I hope you speak some French. Otherwise your enjoyment will not be complete.
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