
Holiday insurance for elderly cancer sufferer?

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My daughters mother-in-law wants to take her elderly father to Canada for two weeks. He has cancer, and the insurance quotes she has been getting have been in excess of £1000.

Does anybody know of a travel insurance company she can approach to get an affordable quote.

Many thanks in advance for your help.




  1. Could you give an idea of his age eg over 65 or over 70. Age Concern have been mentioned RIAS cover until age 89. I have an article from Telegraph Travel section saying people have been getting a good deal from Norwich Union there's no upper age limit/ FT insurance service, Flexicover, Co-op Insurance and Help the Aged are all worth a try.

    I've just googled and come up with

  2. According to the Guardian newspaper, cancer charity Cancerbackup have said that 70% of people who tried to get an insurance policy for a trip found the experience distressing. But a few links that might be able to lessen the burden of getting insurance.

  3. try

  4. the best way to find an answer for a  question is trying to explore a approach among an abundant of is a good one.

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