
Holiday money...?

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I'm going to Spain in a few months and can't decide on the best form to take my spending money in. Is it worth taking travellers cheques or will that just end up being a pain when I have to keep changing them up? I'm hesitant to just leave the money in my bank and use my card because I might lose track of how much I've spent. Thoughts......




  1. Get as much cash as you can, converted into Euros before you go. If you run out, you can use the local cash dipensers which give you the best current rate. Remember that you will probably get a charge from your own bank for withdrawing money abroad.. I always get my cash exchanged for the local currency before I go away. Shop around, some places give fantastic rates if you are exchangeing a large amount. If you are going away with other folk, get everybody's cash together and exchange it in the one go.

  2. Travellers cheques are a bit 'old-hat' now, and generally more trouble than they're worth!!!

    Take a look at ; ( you get a better deal ordering your cash online)

    or; offer a pretty good rate of exchange, and you can have it delivered to you dorr by courier.

  3. Take your debit card and get cash out of the local cash dispensers

  4. DONT TAKE TRAVELLERS CHECKS!!!! We went to Holland and in order to change our checks for free (we already paid comission to get them... but in Holland and other European countries, banks charge an additional fee - something like 3%), we had to travel to Paris... I didn't mind the trip to Paris, but seriously, traveller's checks are the most expensive way of changing money. Go with a preloaded card - much cheaper ann easier! when using it as a credit card, they don't charge you anything - only when using it at an ATM, but that too is nominal. Also - there are ATMs everywhere! Njoy your trip - you'll have a blast!

  5. plain cash in american money and then exchange for the "homeland" money (ero or whatever it is)

  6. Travellers cheques are expensive - you pay commission to but them and commission to cash them.

    Wtite doen in a book what you have in bank, every time you make withdrawl from atm make a note and deduct from original total. Easy way to keep track.
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