
Holiday pay?

by  |  earlier

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i work full time but flexi hours which means i get a min of 21hours or a max 38hours. most of the time i get the max but everytime i have holidays coming up my hours nosedive making my weekly hour average drop. So basically i'm always left with two week off and half the money i'm used too (money i need). is this legal for the company to do? because its not fair, i'm a good worker




  1. it is legal because it is probably a job at will where you can leave your job or get fired from your job with no questions asked. you are not salary and you are hourly,,, the company does what is good for the company and they are not in a union to protect you... you might want to look for a new job or ask for more hours.. no company is ever going to punish you for asking for more hours.

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