
Holiday to Mexico under 18 what do i need?

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Im 17 and im supposed to be going to Mexico in May for 2 weeks with my boyfriend. He is 26. I looked on the internet and it says that minors (under 18) need a letter of consent from both parents if travelling alone. Will i need this if i am travelling with my boyfriend?




  1. Yes, it is Mexican law. Seesite below and read section on minors under Importan New Information.

  2. You are 17 and he's 26!!..... hmm. ok, well whatever. you're still a MINOR, and of course you would need parental consent! in the eyes of the law (and adults in general), you're still a kid... and that's because you ARE a kid! sorry girl, you're gonna have to tell your folks... and hence you may end up going no farther than the local mall. have fun anyway!

  3. Yes, absolutely. You and your boyfriend will get in A LOT of truouble if you do not fill the requisites.

    Contact the Mexican Embassy in London, or a local consulate if available.

  4. You will be traveling with an adult.  You have been able to give sexual consent to your boyfriend  in Mex since you turned twelve.

    Too be on the safe side go to your local Mex consulate and get your tourist visa before you come.

    You should have a return ticket and a hotel booked and you will have no problem.


  5. yes most likely my neighbor had to get one and at the airport they asked her for it too.

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