
Holidays- Britain or somewhere hot abroad?

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Where would you rather go?

Seaside holiday in UK-


Abroad -




  1. Seaside Britain needs sprucing up a great deal to be of any attraction to my generation.  I was born in 1941 and actually lived at the seaside resort of Hastings from c1953-1957 - and have first hand experience of the South Coast Holiday Resorts at the peak of their popularity in 1950s UK.

    Thankfully I spent the best part of 3 years from 1960 to 1962 on the island of Cyprus as part of my 9 years in the British Army.  I must say that sun, sea, sand, red wine and olives beats the h**l out of warm beer, damp weather and clouds.

    The coldest day I can remember in Cyprus was Christmas Day 1960 when the temp fell all the way down to about 60 Farenheit - think it might have been about 42F here in London at the time.

    No - give me hot and abroad any time.

    I'm off down to Sorrento at the end of August to extend my summer by a couple more weeks.

    This picture of Hastings is about 1890-1900 - mostly day trippers who come down by train from London for the day.  Trip out in Saucy Sue sailing boat and gentlemen wearing boaters - typical of period.

    Going to the seaside here in England back then really was fun - but not any longer.

  2. Bournemouth is still fairly unique as far as English seaside resorts go.

    It's got 7 miles of golden sands (not mud flats or pebbles), and none of the amusement parks, greasy fish an dchips and "kiss me quick" hats that you get in places like Southend or Margate.

    There is a lot to do in Bournemouth and the surrounding area as well, so other than the beach, there is the New Forest, the historic and scenic villages in the Purbecks, the Millionaires paradise of Sandbanks of course, Brownsea Island - home of the first Boy Scouts camp.  Also good nightclubs, family hotels, casinos etc.

    Lots of options for kids from 3-73..

  3. i would jump on a airplane to Cuba - no chance of rain!

  4. Definitely the UK...... Love it!

    --From Your American Cousin

  5. Wow, that is england, I didnt realize we had such a nice beach.

  6. If beaches and hot weather are important then definately abroad.  Even taking air fare into account, it can be cheaper to go abroad than staying at home - and you know you are not going to have to change your plans because it is pi**ing down with rain.  That lovely Cornwall beach would not be much fun then.

  7. Uk, Isle of wight, dorset or the channel islands

  8. somewhere hot and sunny every holiday especially if you like the sun.

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