
Holistic Horse Owners opinions please?

by  |  earlier

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I have an idea and I would like to run it by you. I am making Healing Crystal Brow-bands for my clients horses as well as my own. I realise I will get some rude replys form non-belivers out there but for those like minded folk I am will to risk a slating!!!

go to

About me page select the "Crystal Healpers" link

Would you buy one?

Would you have one made sparcificaly for you own horses issues?

What do you think about them?




  1. Wow, i am going to be completely honest with you i have never seen anything like this before. But i have to say i actually like the idea, i am not really one fore believing in these sort of things but i am sure there are alot of people out there who do, and who would be glad of your unique product. And i have to say your products look well presented and in good order. I would sure be willing to try one myself. Good luck with them, i hope my opinion helped.

  2. the website didn't come up, maybe you misprinted it? let me know once it works!

  3. They are lovely.  Really unusual and pretty.  You could also advertise them in local tack shops or sell them on ebay.  I think they will attract non believers too who just want a really nice, different and beautiful browband.

    If it is ok with you I will add a link to your website on our stables website to let them all know bout you and the browbands.  You never know someone might like one.

  4. Wow! i've never seen anything like this and if it truly works good for you, im not all that knowleadgable for Reiki but if you believe you will recieve and i praise you for believe in something yourself and not believe in what others say.

  5. Nice website.  Good advertisement.  I think it is a great product.  Good luck to you.

  6. i find the website intersting, and i personally would want at least one (i'm working on getting horses again) and i think that it is something i'd like to invest in/learn more about. i perfer to do more "natural" ways in my life. i love the idea and wonder if there's anyway to find out more about programs like yours that are a bit closer to me (i'm thinking your not near pa...) can if you wouldnt mind could you send a message to me about the different types of issues you are talking bout for each horse? thanks so much for this question and that web site(was very informative and i enjoyed it)

  7. Hmmm.  The trouble is there are so many very pretty browbands out there at the moment arent there - see the ones on I.V. Horses etc.

    The only problem is I think the leather would interfere with how the crystals could work.  They are not touching skin anywhere are they?  I feel the leather would be a definite block to any real therapy being gained from the crystals.

    Its a great idea and I know you will have reiki blessed each crystal - but my feelings are you need skin contact really for this to have any real benefit.

    Wish you all the luck in the world though - because I definitely think you are on to something.

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