
Holland Minilop 6 months old has hard bump

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I've done some research when I discovered my bunny who is black started having redness under his chin. This doesn't appear to be an abscess as it's not pusing, it's hard and goes from one side to the other in his throat.

He's still active, and eating and doesn't seem to be bothered by it but i'm wondering on how the outcome will be when he is still so young.

My vet is not open until Monday, just wondering what peoples experiences are in a case this. I've had bunnies before and never dealt with this and worried about him.




  1. It's hard to tell for sure, possibly some kind of tumour but your vet will need to run some tests for you. If your rabbit is pooping, peeing, drinking and eating then it's not too urgent. Rabbits health can go down hill quickly so you need to keep a close eye on it and call an emergency vet if it stops eating for a day, don't wait 24 hours if this happens as a rabbit's system begins to shut down if it doesn't eat every couple of hours.

  2. Hm.  Has it been exposed to any gamma rays?

    Sorry, I don't know much about bunnies, well, except the kind you slap on your significant other.  Just tryin' to help.

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