
Holland and barrett aloe vera juice is it as good as the more expensive one?

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Holland and barrett aloe vera juice is it as good as the more expensive one?




  1. Yes I personally think so try it out!

  2. lexie, depends what you are using it for. the most important thing is the purity of the juice. some have so many additives and preservatives as to make them useless. a lot of juices use additives to mask the horrible taste. So I would taste it before buying any big amount. if the purity is low it might be can idea to try aloe vera capsules. I have seen them here good luck

  3. You need to check the % of pure aloe vera in the juice so check out the ingregients (not the front lable).  Also how many different things are used to perserve it.  The best ones are prepared from the pure inner gel of the leaf (if it does not say so then it probably hasn't been).  I would therefore personally say no to your question.  Check out:

  4. i think they are fairly reputable so i would trust them

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