
Hollywood Celebrities, Good or Bad for global warming debate?

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So many hollywood celebrities seem to be encouraging everybody to conserve and use less energy "go green." when they themselves contribute far more to global warming than the average american. I know there are a few celebrites that actually do walk the walk, but most just alarm people about global warming but can't get away from their extremely lavish lifestyles. Personally, it pisses me off when I see this blatant hipocracy. However I do think global warming is probably happening. I know when celebrites talk about global warming, It does raise awarness and everything. But having spoiled rich celebrites tell average people, who have a hard enough time getting by as it is, to live green pisses a lot of people off. Do you think more people would make a concious effort to make a change if only people who "walk the walk" inform us how to live, and not rich spoiled celebrities.




  1. They are irrelevant to the actual debate.  In the debate of public opinion, they do hold some sway for their side, which ever side they choose.

  2. i'd say its good.. because many dumb people follow these celebrities

  3. If they are at least trying to practice what they preach, why not!Just because they have things than or and I doesn't make us any less guilty of contributing to the problem than them. Just by all of us living in a rich, energy-inefficient like the U.S.A.,we all happen to be just guilty enough as it is.

  4. Hollywood celebrities are despicable.  Nothing good comes from them.

  5. I believe that because of the blind following that most celebrities have that they are beneficial.  I personally believe that there is some credit to the Global Warming issue, however I'm not sure it's as bad as some make it out to be.

    Basic and easy ways to go green that take little to no effort should be encouraged.  For example if everyone started paying their bills on-line saves countless trees.  So as far as should these people continue to spout propaganda for global warming I say sure let them do it.  They aren't going to change their lifestyle anyhow so might as well let some good come from it.

  6. I don't believe it's hypocritical for a celebrity who lives a VERY luxurious life to say to conserve and go green, because just because they wear fancy clothes and live in a HUGE mansion doesn't mean they are contributing anymore to greenhouse gases than any of us commoners are! just having a lot of money doesn't mean they don't also put it to good use.

    In fact, they might be MORE energy aware than people who can't live that kind of life do because they have the money and power to get the most updated, most expensive, BEST energy saving things like green washers and dryers, hybrid cars, etc.

    Plus they raise awareness!!

    So just assuming someone is contributing more to Global Warming just because they're famous and loaded doesn't really make sense.

  7. I think etater is way off.  The Hypocrite Laurie David (  makes sure to tell everyone how to reduce their carbon footprint, then insists on having all of her resort homes, occupied so she can go their at a moments notice.  Her carbon footprint just from her personal jet  alone exceeds most small cities.  If you would like to see some hypocrisy just type in "Laurie David"

  8. Hollywood is liberal, and following celebrity advice just because they are a celebrity is for the foolish.

    Conservation and "go green" are good concepts, the problem is when the government forces you to go green by outlawing incandescent light bulbs, and forcing you to use mercury bulbs, or mandating cafe standards so the car makers must make micro cars that get good mileage but are very unsafe.

    The USA has always been about choice and the choice to go green or not should be up to the consumer.

  9. I think it is bad. They have no clue what they are talking about. If they were able to do research like I have they would see like the results of my studies suggest that global warming is not casued by man.

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